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Carolyn Anne's Criminal Background Check from CA DOJ will be redone this coming Monday. Last Friday the 12th we received an email from Anthony from State of California DOJ saying that the fingerprints were of poor quality. We knew that going into the submission from our licensed fingerprint roller lady they day she took the Live Scan, and now it's official.
Monday September 15th, CA DOJ mailed out the papers via USPS to us to allow us to redo the Live Scan fingerprinting for free, received yesterday the 18th. Other than a computer generated letter with all the usual identification numbers, notification of why the letter was sent - unable to process due to poor fingerprint quality - and how to resubmit (no extra cost due to using the same Original Applicant Tracking Identifier - ATI - number code) it includes a preprinted Request for Live Scan Service (Visa/Immigration) form. The ATI code is handwritten, and The first section is already filled out (Contributing Agency Information - Department of Justice). The Applicant Information section and The Live Scan Transaction Completed By section are left blank but will of course be filled in upon submission.
Fran, our Live Scan licensed fingerprint lady, left instructions with me to ensure Carolyn Anne put lotion on her fingers every night for four nights before coming to her appointment for the fingerprint retake this coming Monday the 22nd. She will also get papers instructing her on what to do if this Live Scan redo doesn't produce recognizable fingerprints, and how to go about getting a clear Criminal Background Check upon the second failure to process. You can ensure I will safeguard those papers. . . (smile) So a bit of good news, that there is a way around the fingerprint problem she is having.
We're probably a week away from the electronic submission from getting a clear Criminal Background Check report from CA DOJ if the prints turn out readable/recognizable. If not, then. . . we shall see.
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Meanwhile, the timeline on the sale of the house here is taking its time, longer than expected. The appraisal report hasn't hit my real estate agent's inbox just yet, or the escrow company's, which is not what he was expecting. Without knowing if the appraisal is approved, the escrow company cannot proceed, of course.
The termite repair - minor work with the patio siding and a small part of the exposed frame - is done. I remember doing this same kind of repair with my Dad decades ago when we were younger. Didn't cost a lot in terms of present day dollars. Back then it would have been the classic do it yourself project using the radial arm saw and hammers and nails. Paint will have to wait until the painter returns from "down below" in Los Angeles from a current job. Should be completed by probably midweek next week.
I discussed with a staffer at our main recipient nonprofit organization, Grace Thrift Store in Lancaster, this past Wednesday the possibility of picking up our last large items. The good thing about them is they don't turn items away if they are saleable - Salvation Army wants to ensure the items are in very good to excellent condition, and two items we have are a bit on the used side. A little refurbishing would be doable and be worthwhile. They would also be providing the truck and the manpower to move these heavy, bulky items. . . very helpful, and a moneysaver from our aspect of things. They pick up in the area outside of the store on Wednesdays, and Monday is the day you need to contact them to ensure they will put you on their schedule. I was thinking that we were possibly at the point of having it done this coming Wednesday the 24th, but according to our real estate agent, that would be too soon. Possibly the Wednesday after that, October 1st. October is coming up on us sooner than we had hoped. . . wow. Gotta adjust to what the pace of getting these disparate tasks done is proving to be.
Getting towards discussion on how we pack things for our trip to Ecuador with my wife. We haven't done this before, and she wants to help, of course, and do what is best. We agree on the overall plan, but the tactics part is producing "sparks," shall we say. Please pray for us that the process of the move and the logistics of how to do all the moving of what we take will be centered on unity, agreement, full and fair discussion, and most of all, love. May God be abundantly in each of our efforts, large and small, and may His name be made great through it all.
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